TV is no doubt one of the greatest inventions of all time. We can see things even if it's not real. We can view scenarios of different countries just by chilling on the couch. According to a study, we tend to get attracted to visuals easily. We visualize what we see and our brain grasps the visuals within seconds. TV sometimes can affect the cognitive tendency of a human. We think positively if we see positive, and the same goes for negative thinking. What we prefer to watch on TV describes our personality as a human. TV is a boon but excess of everything is toxic and the same phrase applies to TV as well.
TV provides a large amount of information via an attractive visual mode, becoming one of the most powerful tools for instructions. Educational programs for kids emphasise on mental growth of kids and adults developing constructive mental attitudes. While some educational programs focus on mental growth, some programs may disturb mental peace. Every coin has two sides. Some programs may disturb the ability to concentrate and focus on positive aspects. TV not only affect the psychological state of mind but it affects our body as well. According to a survey in 2020, TV is one of the major causes of obesity in children these days. Children stopped/reduced playing outdoor games by spending major time of the day in front of the TV. Reduction in reading and writing skills has disturbed mental growth, especially in children adversely. Greater aggressiveness in minor viewers is linked to watching violent shows on TV. As children are not mature enough to think of consequences, they just imitate. Consumerist attitude has developed a lot these days because several products are endorsed more realistically and naturally which affects the purchasing mentality of the audience.
However, because there is TV, children and parents are distracted from talking, and in such a way suffer from communication. Television influences various spheres of family life “leisure relations, aesthetic interests and values, consumer behaviour patterns, parent-child attitudes and socialization practices”. Television is an accepted, approved and readily accessible source of information, and it both creates and reinforces models of social behaviour (style of dress, idiomatic language, attitudes toward sexuality and gender, parent behaviour) that define not only individual behaviour, but also family behaviour.
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