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Showing posts from May 2, 2021

lockdown-Boon or a Bane

We all are well aware of massive widespread of Covid 19 infection. Keeping that in mind, experts suggested for a complete lockdown again. Also, American Government's head Health Advisor Dr.Antony Fauci suggested for complete lockdown and rejuvenate health services during that period. Now, Supreme Court also propounded the idea to Central Government, considering the vulnerable conditions of weaker sections of the society. Labours, daily wage workers, sections below poverty line should be given adequate facilities first. Lockdown is an efficient way to control this pandemic, but our experience from last year's lockdown was horrible, that's why government is hesitating to impose complete lockdown again. As we all know that last year many poor people faced problems like lack of food and money, many labours and daily wage workers were migrating from cities to their hometown and many poors died of starvation or lack of access to health services. Our nation's econo